Cuadro de mando Financiero

The balance sheet and profit and loss account are the two main analysis platforms for establishing a company’s evolution and economic and financial situation.

Mediante los dashboards del cuadro de mando financiero, usted podrá conocer:

_Análisis global

This analysis panel will give you a general view of the evolution of certain key performance indicators (KPI) for the management of your business.

It is designed to be able to discern the evolution of each KPI on a yearly, monthly and cost-centre basis, always comparing the real situation in a specific period with the budget on the same date.

_Análisis de balance

This panel was designed to analyse the company’s balance sheet as of a specific date. Starting from an abbreviated balance sheet you may consult and analyse each of the items on the balance sheet in the greatest detail.

You will also be able to plan receivables and payables with maturities of up to three months and to find out the evolution of bank balances, which will enable you to anticipate any possible financing needs.

_Análisis de la cuenta de resultados

This panel will enable you to analyse the profit and loss account of your business at the maximum analysis level that you may require. You will be able to analyse the profit and loss account for a work centre, a department or even a specific business line.

You will also be able to perform the analysis from lesser to greater detail, starting from an overall profit and loss account to a detail by accounts for a specific income or outlay item.